ID: maruti.bharatiyabhugolanditihas
Version: 1.0
Size: 3.2 Mb
Bhartiya Bhugol & Itihas - MCQ Screenshots
How to install Bhartiya Bhugol & Itihas - MCQ apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Bhartiya Bhugol & Itihas - MCQ Description
Bharatiya Bhugol and Itihas Application describe Bhugol(Geography)’ and ‘Bhartiya Itihas(History)' in Hindi Language.Read all information and MCQ of Indian History and Geography in hindi format and increase knowledge using this application.
Its free to use and help all people to get knowledge regarding geography and history of india.
This app is very useful for the students and other people who are preparing for government entrance exams like UPSC, CSAT,RAS,IAS , PCS ,Bank PO,Railways,IBPS.
Basically this application may be divided in two main category -
1) Bhartiy Bhugol (Geography of India) : Bhugol GK with MCQ.
2) Bhartiy Itihas (History of India): Itihas GK with MCQ.
*Offline Application so does not require internet connection,
*Easy Graphical User Interface ,
*Bookmark Facilities.
*All Content provided in hindi so easy to read and understand.
*Increase your general knowledge and will make you aware about our geography and history,
What's new in Bhartiya Bhugol & Itihas - MCQ 1.0
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How to get Bhartiya Bhugol & Itihas - MCQ lastet apk